
World's easiest wheat free pie crust recipe!


gluten free pie crust

Easiest gluten free pie crust ever! Don't believe me? Try it - even I can make a success of it with this simple pie crust recipe! (After all, it only has 3 ingredients.)
gluten free pie crust

I learned to make wheat pastry with my mother, who baked pies for one of the local corner stores. So she taught me how to make pastry - but only for a minimum of four pies and with top crusts.

These days I don't need four pies, but I do need a gluten free pie crust. It's been a challenge to find an easy pie crust recipe that works with either brown or white rice flour. But here it is - it really works.

I use this wheat free pie crust recipe for making sweet pies (but it does work well for savory pies as well). If I want a topping, I usually make a crumble of rice flour, sugar, cinnamon and, sometimes, oatmeal. It all depends on the pie.

Apple and pumpkin pie recipes are coming soon - my daughter has promised to help eat the experiments so I don't explode.

Gluten free pie crust recipe


  • 1 1/2 cups white or brown rice flour
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 2 tablespoons of milk or milk substitute


arrowDump the flour into a 9 inch ungreased pie plate. Make a "well" (a hole or depression) in the middle of the flour.easy pie crust recipe
arrowPour the melted butter and milk into the well. Mix well, stirring until it resembles coarse crumbs.gluten free pie crust recipe
arrowSmooth the crust evenly with the back of a spoon until it's smooth and evenly distributed in the pie plate.gluten free pie crust
arrowAdd the filling, smoothing if necessary.I used apples, sugar, cinnamon and a touch of lemon juice for the filling you see here. It didn't need smoothing so much as placing.apple pie crust recipe
arrowBake in a 325 degree oven until the crust is lightly golden and the filling is cooked through.I topped the apples with a sprinkling of almonds and a crumble mixture of 3/4 cups rice flour, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 tablespoon cinnamon, 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 cup oats. (Throw everything in a large bowl, cut in the butter using two knives or a pastry cutter until the topping evolves into coarse crumbs.)gluten free apple pie

Notes for this easy pie crust recipe

I find that taking out the first slice is hardest, so allow the pie to cool somewhat and it will be easier and less messy.

Coming soon... Gluten free pie recipes

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