
New fashion in Hollywood! Gluten-free diet


American magazines and newspapers in the last period's most trendy health event by eating gluten-free diet products... The reasons are unknown, but one of the most important health problems in recent years more and more people are suffering from gluten allergy. Hollywood is an interesting place. Absorb some of the allergy to gluten, a protein, whether or not the recent rapid weight loss diet has many well-known this. Gwyneth Paltrow, Victoria Beckham and Rachel Weisz, who made just a few of the gluten-free diet. Gwyneth Paltrow back in the diet, how to lose weight and whether the internet site that would generate great fanfare. Now famous consonant everyone wants to take advantage of the gluten-free diet!
Gluten in wheat, rye and barley gluten, a protein in the fried chicken to pizza and even beer have a lot of food material. Bodies who are allergic to this substance is called celiac disease, a digestive emerges. The number of gluten-free food market in 2003 with only 100 out of 800 cases in 2008. Judging from these products on the shelves next year, the wind will not last much more than we see markets. At least with celiac disease will feast!

Gluten-free food may lose weight.

Hollywood stars on the basis of the experience of a gluten-free diet claim that rapid weight loss. Gwyneth Paltrow is one of them. Gluten-free diet with the weight at the same website bragged gluten-free food continues to put the recipes. Of course, all these descriptions of its application So what you think experts for gluten-free diet? Implement such a diet for celiac disease is not their opinion is not correct. Although the pioneers of gluten-free dieto increase energy, reduce water retention and weight loss claims to be an enabling type of diet, even though the Utility of non-health professionals in need of such a diet long term will bring more harm than good, he says.Celiac disease is a digestive disease caused by the body's immune mechanism does not work properly. Celiac disease, long-term, small intestine cancer, lymphoma, infertility, miscarriage and can cause osteoporosis. This disease, although not to any treatment, it can be controlled with a gluten-free diet.
Symptoms of the disease diarrhea, constipation, bloating, mouth sores, skin problems, joint pain, and depression can be.

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