What Are Celiac Disease Symptoms In Adults?


People who are suffering from Celiac disease may not show any symptoms but may still exhibit complications of the disease such as malnutrition. Also, the disease has different manifestations for many different people. A person with Celiac disease may experience weight loss while another may experience weight gain.
Here are some of the symptoms associated with celiacs disease:
Constipation, abdominal pain, seizures, muscle cramps, tooth discoloration, irritable or depressed, osteoporosis/osteopenia, infertility, and recurrent miscarriage, bone or joint pain, fatigue, anemia, and other symptoms. Because of the wide range of symptoms, people who have celiac disease are often unaware that they have the disease at first.

Another condition that can become the result of sensitivity to gluten is Dermatitis Herpetiformis. This disease results in itchy blisters forming on the skin. There are also instances when the Dermatitis Herpetiformis affects the villi in the small intestines resulting to a case of mild Celiac disease.
Because celiac disease and other diseases associated to sensitivity to gluten are life-long conditions, the only remedy is a gluten-free diet. The disease is genetic and sometimes it can be triggered only during adulthood.
To diagnose for celiac disease, a blood test is performed to measure the levels of the following antibodies in the blood: Immunoglobulin A, anti-tissue transglutaminase, and anti-endomysium antibodies. After the blood test is performed and celiac disease is suspected, the doctor can perform a biopsy on tissue samples from the small intestines to determine if the villi in the small intestines have been damaged.

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