
Easy Baking Tips For Making Gluten Free Bread


Alright, when I first started making gluten free bread mixes, let me just say that it was quite an experiment. I would prepare my batter as stated on the package directions and either the bread wouldn’t rise well, or I would finally just put it in the oven and let it bake only to come back and see that it finally decided to rise way over the pan and make a mess. Then, it would sink in the middle.
Fun stuff… But, with some trial and error, I have perfected my loaves and haven’t had any problems since. I also now use a bread machine to make my gluten free bread and cut down on the time consuming process.

  1. Almost all of the gluten free bread mixes that I have used call for a total of 2 cups liquid. I tried following their directions and have found that this is not enough at all. Not enough liquid and my bread doesn’t rise. It also comes out looking rough, too dense, and unappetizing. I use about 2 and 1/4 cups to 2 and 1/2 cups of total liquid. The texture should be almost like that of a brownie mix. Still thick, but smooth.
  2. I use pretty warm liquid. Whether I am using milk, or water, I heat it up and get it really warm. Not just luke warm, but not boiling either. The trick is not to “cook” the eggs though… I find that if I use liquid that is too cold, my bread won’t rise until it starts to bake, and this will cause it to sink in the middle eventually. Now, I get my bread to rise all the way to the top of the 2 pound bread pan in the bread machine!
  3. If you are using a bread machine, it doesn’t have to have a gluten free setting. Although it is a nice luxury, I have found that I just have to supervise the process a little more. We bought a new bread machine a while back just so it would be dedicated to making gluten free bread only and so that we didn’t have to worry about cross contamination with gluten remnants in our old one. When it’s time for an upgrade, I will be going with a gluten free bread machine.
With a gluten free bread machine, it doesn’t knead the bread twice. Just one kneading cycle, one rising cycle and then it bakes.
But, I have found that using my standard bread machine on the “basic” cycle, turns out a perfect loaf. I initially tried the french bread setting and that worked too but was a little longer than the basic. The double kneading cycles don’t affect it at all. So, All in all I recommend any kind of bread machine just because it saves you so much time and since bread is a staple, you will be making it often. I got tired of greasing my bread pans, and following all of the steps for the oven method… Too much work – lol!
I hope these tips help you and please leave a comment or any questions below.

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