
Gluten-Free Lifestyle Strategies


The reality of Gluten-Free Lifestyle Strategies is that you now know you have a condition that will affect all aspects of your life. That doesn't mean it's going to be bad, just that it's going to be different.

There are long term complications from Celiac Disease if it's not controlled.
People With Celiac Disease:

  • have a higher mortality rate

  • have higher rates of intestinal cancer

  • are more likely to develop osteoporis

  • are more likely to develop other autoimmune conditions

  • It's important to note here that these possible complications and side effects of Celiac Disease only occur if a gluten free lifestyle strategies are not followed.
    Following a gluten-free lifestyle requires constant vigilance when dining out or grocery shopping. It also requires some creativity in the kitchen with gluten free recipes.
    As in anything throughout life, attitude is everything in how we adjust to the diagnosis.
    Is our cup 1/2 full or 1/2 empty?
    With the right attitude we can view our diagnosis as the answer we needed to restore our health. Everything we suffered with for so long can now be corrected by eating good food that our bodies want.
    Now that you know that your body cannot tolerate even the tiniest bit of gluten, it's important to eliminate ALL gluten from your diet as quickly as possible so the healing can begin. It's vital to understand that your body is injured whenever you ingest gluten, whether you have severe symptoms or no symptoms, your body needs time to heal.
    You will need to make changes that may seem overwhelming at 1st, but before long these changes will become second nature.
    Living gluten free will affect all aspects of your life at home, at work and at play.
    It’s important to establish a game plan of Gluten-Free Lifestyle Strategies that will make your transition to your new lifestyle as quickly and easily as possible.

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