
easy gluten free lunch ideas for cheesy, delicious grilled sandwich recipes


grilled cheese sandwich recipes

Grilled cheese sandwich recipes are an old favorite for many of us. It's how you dress them up that makes them scrumptious, although I'm also fond of plain grilled cheese - how cheesy is that?

It's all in the bread, and needing to eat a gluten free lunch doesn't mean we can't have this much-loved favorite.

Grilled sandwich recipes work well with gluten free sandwich bread when it's a few days old. Because there's no gluten in rice flour, the bread doesn't keep as long as wheat bread, so grilling crisps it up nicely.

Grilled cheese sandwich recipes

How to make grilled cheese sandwiches:
Butter two slices of bread. Lay one slice, buttered side down, onto your grill or frying pan. Place (lots of) cheese on the bread. Place the unbuttered side down on top of the cheese.
Cook on a low to medium heat. When the bottom of the sandwich is golden brown, gently flip to the other side and continue cooking until it's golden too.

Variations on a theme - more grilled cheese sandwich recipes

Grilled Ham & CheesePlace a slice of ham betwen two layers of cheese. Using two layers of cheese holds everything together better - and tastes fabulous! This would also work with bacon.
Grilled Cheese & TomatoSlice a medium to large-sized tomato and slide it between two layers of cheese. I like to use Roma tomatoes because they have less moisture than beefsteak or other varieties.
Grilled Cheese & TunaMake up a batch of tuna salad (tuna, mayo, relish, whatever you like) and spread it between two layers of cheese. This is one of the more substantial grilled sandwich recipes, and it might even last you til dinner without a snack break.
Grilled Cheese with Dijon MustardSpread a bit of Dijon mustard on the inside of the bread, then add your cheese as usual. Adds a kick! Some folks do this with ketchup (keeps the kids from having a sandwich with their ketchup).

Notes for grilled cheese sandwich recipes


Often times, switching to a gluten free diet involves learning to eat healthier foods.Choosing good quality cheese is a delicious way to give your body healthy food.
I find that a low to medium heat works best for rice bread.
I like a good, strong cheese, so the sandwich takes a little longer to grill if I want the cheese melted. Some folks like to use processed cheese slices, which are quicker to melt.
The picture at the top of the page shows the sandwich I cooked on my old camping grill. It makes the best grilled sandwich recipes.

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