
Side Effects of Gluten


When gluten is ingested in the body, some people experience symptoms that range from uncomfortable to dangerous.  These symptoms are the side effects of gluten.

Who Is Affected By Side Effects?

Gluten is a protein composite; that means that it is a combination of several different proteins. It is primarily found in wheat and grain based products. Gluten in a general context is a very hard protein composite to digest. It is because of this that some medical practitioners are of the opinion that there are negative side effects of gluten for everyone.  Although it is unknown if every person who eats gluten is affected negatively, it is known that some people definitely are.
People of all ages can suffer side effects.  This means that many people have symptoms that begin in their childhood, and continue into adulthood.

What Are The Side Effects?

When people with some type of gluten intolerance, such as celiac disease or gluten allergy, eat foods that contain gluten, their bodies react by either damaging the lining of the small intestine or having an autoimmune reaction.  In some cases, the intestinal lining is completely destroyed.
The small intestine plays a very vital role in digesting food and absorbing nutrients. When the intestine gets damaged, this makes it hard or impossible for the body to absorb necessary nutrients. This damaging reaction to gluten does not happen instantly.  Rather, the damage is done over a period of many years, and most often to people who are undiagnosed with a gluten intolerance or disease.
The biggest side effects of gluten consumption for patients having gluten sensitivity are that they become malnourished, stressed and fatigued and may catch many other diseases easily. The immune system weakens and the patient has an increased risk of death.
The side effects of gluten and its symptoms vary from person to person.  Not every affected person’s digestive system gets damaged.  Some people experience allergic reactions caused by antibodies created by the immune system.  These antibodies attack the gluten, but in the process may also cause physical reactions.
Reactions to a gluten allergy vary from person to person.  Some people  may experience fatigue, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.  Others may experience headaches, depression, or joint pain.  A more complete list of symptoms include:
  • Bloating and gas
  • Chronic iron deficiency
  • Depression or moodiness
  • Dermatitis, eczema, or skin problems
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Difficulty thinking clearly
  • Gastric reflux or heartburn
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Infertility or miscarriages
  • Lack of energy
  • Osteoporosis, or bone and joint pains
  • Painful or uncomfortable tummy
  • Poor growth (for children)
  • Runny nose or sinus problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Tired, exhaustion, lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Weight gain

Is There A Cure?

With all the advancements in the medical field, there is still no permanent cure for people who suffer side effects from gluten. The only way to avoid the side effects is to consume a gluten-free diet.
In most cases, the body will recover from the damage done by gluten.  The speed of the recovery, however, depends on the amount of the damage that had been done. The good news is that the recovery process starts immediately after gluten consumption is stopped. The side effects will be stopped only as long as there is no ingestion of gluten.  If even a small amount of gluten is consumed, the symptoms and damage may return.
If a proper gluten-free diet plan is followed, the lining of the small intestine starts healing and the overall health of the person will get better gradually over time. Children see a better recovery speed as compared to adults.  To sum it up, the prevent and heal from the side effects of gluten, you need time and gluten-free foods.

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