
Top 10 Tips for a Gluten-Free Diet


Have you been contemplating a gluten-free diet? Or, maybe a friend or family member is on one, but you aren’t really sure what it’s all about? Gluten-free eating is becoming increasingly popular, but there are a few things you should understand before you decide whether it’s a healthy choice for you.
First, what is gluten? Gluten is essentially the mix of two proteins found in cereal grains, especially wheat. It’s what gives dough that elastic-like texture before it gets transformed into different baked goods, and what makes your bread and muffins fluffy.
While some people do just fine with the standard breads and cereals, others are benefiting from reducing or eliminating products containing gluten in their diet. Whether due to a gluten allergy, a chronic health condition like celiac disease, or just a gluten intolerance, many people are feeling happier and healthier gluten-free.

Perhaps you’re concerned that you’re displaying some gluten intolerance symptoms, such as brain fog, skin rashes, joint pain and bloating. Or maybe you’ve seen an increase in problems stemming from asthma and thyroid conditions. These may all be related to a gluten allergy or intolerance. If so, a gluten-free diet might be the answer!
To get you off to a great start, here are our top 10 tips for a gluten-free diet:

1. Clear out your pantry. Going gluten-free is significantly easier when you don’t have foods containing gluten in the cupboard to tempt you. Pass them on to family and friends who don’t share your eating habits, give sealed non-perishables to a food bank, and replenish your stores with gluten-free bread, cereal, soups and salad dressings.

2. Clean or replace your toaster and kitchen utensils. It’s possible to come into contact from gluten through old crumbs in your toaster, so depending on how severe your situation, you may want to replace it – or at least clean it thoroughly. Baking trays and kitchen utensils should either be scrubbed or replaced, especially if your gluten sensitivity is prompted by celiac disease.

3. Stock up on fresh fruits and veggies. Because gluten is found in many processed foods, not just the typical bread and cereal, it’s a great idea to stick to fresh, unprocessed foods as much as possible. If you do buy frozen dinners, yoghurts or tinned soups, double check the ingredients to ensure you’re buying gluten-free. Most aren’t.

4. Start cooking with rice. A great alternative to pasta, rice is fortunately gluten-free, and there are many different varieties to choose from. And besides just being versatile, rice is also affordable. You can do lots with it if you’re on a budget.

5. Learn how to cook with quinoa. Pure quinoa is a great alternative if you have a gluten allergy, and it can be used in everything from salads to casseroles to cakes. It’s important to note, however, that some quinoa blends sold in supermarkets may contain spices or other ingredients that have gluten. Therefore, always read the label before you buy.

6. Double-check your bathroom. When making the switch to a gluten-free diet, we tend to focus on the kitchen, but it’s possible to find gluten in other places, too. Check the ingredients in your shampoo, conditioner and even toothpaste, or look up your favourite brands online to ensure they’re on the gluten-free list.

7. Download a gluten-free living app. If you have a smartphone and gluten intolerance symptoms, you’ll really benefit from it. Available for iPhone and Android, there are several available to help you make gluten-free choices in restaurants and supermarkets. Some of the apps even have the ability to scan UPC codes on food labels.

8. Learn to socialize gluten-free. Avoid temptation at parties by bringing tasty gluten-free foods. There are many excellent snacks available these days, especially with the growing popularity for organic and whole food markets. And if you enjoy baking, you’ll be spoiled for choice with all the delicious cookbooks and recipe websites out there. Gluten-free desserts and hors d’oeuvres are so yummy, your wheat-eating friends will be asking for a taste!

9. Scout out restaurants with gluten-free options. You’ll be surprised at how many there are! Many of the big chain restaurants offer some gluten-free choices on their menus, such as pizzas and pasta. This may take a little research at first, but you’ll get to know which places have options for you.

10. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Making a switch to a new diet or lifestyle choice takes hard work and commitment. You can totally do it, but you may have slip-ups at first. If they happen, be kind to yourself. Remind yourself how much better you feel when you eat gluten-free, and don’t give up.

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